Derivation Of Softmax Random Walk Algorithm

Supplementary Method


To compute the probability of moving from a current position $ (x, y) $ to a neighboring position $ (i, j) $ by blending terrain slope and movement inertia, considering valid data and avoiding immediate return to the last position.

Preliminaries and Definitions:

  • $ (x, y) $ : Current Position
  • $ (i, j) $ : Neighboring Position
  • $ \phi $ : Weighting factor for slope.
  • $ \psi $ : Weighting factor for inertia.
  • $ \omega $ : Blending factor between inertia and slope.
Cosine Similarity:

Given two vectors $ A $ and $ B $ , the cosine similarity, $ \text{cosine_similarity}(A, B) $ , is: $ $ \text{cosine_similarity}(A, B) = \frac{A \cdot B}{|A|_2 |B|_2} $ $

Softmax Transformation:

For a vector $ z $ with components $ z_1, z_2, … z_k $ , the softmax function, denoted as $ \text{softmax}(z) $ , is defined as:

$ $ \text{softmax}(z)j = \frac{e^{z_j}}{\sum{l=1}^{k} e^{z_l}} $ $

Elements Calculation:

Slope, $ S_{i,j} $ :


  • $ e_c $ and $ e_n $ as elevations at current position and neighbor.
  • $ dx $ and $ dy $ as absolute differences in x and y coordinates. The slope $ S_{i,j} $ between positions is calculated as follows, considering the handling of invalid data and the distance for diagonal vs. orthogonal moves:

$ $ S_{i,j} = \begin{cases} \text{np.NINF} & \text{if } e_c \text{ or } e_n \text{ is invalid or } e_c = e_n = \text{no_data_value}
\frac{e_c - e_n}{\sqrt{2}} & \text{if } dx = dy \text{ (diagonal move)}
\frac{e_c - e_n}{1} & \text{if } dx \neq dy \text{ (orthogonal move)} \end{cases} $ $

Inertia, $ I_{i,j} $ :

Using the last movement vector $ V_{last} = [dx_{last}, dy_{last}] $ and the direction vector $ V_{direction} = [i-x, j-y] $ .

$ $ I_{i,j} = \left( \frac{1 + \text{cosine_similarity}(V_{last}, V_{direction})}{2} \right) $ $

Combining Slope and Inertia:

Raw Combined Weight:

Blend slope and inertia using: $ $ W_{i,j}^{raw} = (1 - \omega) \psi I_{i,j} + \omega \phi S_{i,j} $ $

Probabilistic Decision Model:

Softmax Transformation:

Compute the transition probabilities by applying the softmax function to the combined weights directly: $ $ P((x, y) \to (i,j)) = \text{softmax}(W^{raw}){i,j} \to \frac{e^{W^{raw}{i,j}}}{\sum_{(k,l) \in \text{neighbors}} e^{W^{raw}_{k,l}}} $ $ Here, $ (k, l) $ ranges over all positions neighboring $ (x, y) $ that are potential candidates for movement, excluding the current position itself and any positions that would constitute an immediate return to the last position.

  1. For $ (x, y) $ , calculate $ S_{i,j} $ and $ I_{i,j} $ for all valid neighbors, excluding the immediate last position to prevent back-and-forth movement.
  2. Compute the raw combined weight, $ W_{i,j}^{raw} $ , for each neighbor by blending inertia and slope.
  3. Apply the softmax function to the combined weights to get probabilities for each neighbor.
  4. Select a neighbor $ (i,j) $ based on these probabilities.
  5. Update $ (x,y) $ to $ (i,j) $ and continue, ensuring to handle masked or invalid elevation data appropriately.